Thursday, August 5, 2010

Getting Back In It

So, it's been a couple of weeks now (a little bit longer, I guess) since I updated last. That's because I've been both lazy and busy all at the same time. I know, that makes absolutely no sense, but just let me explain.

Since I've gotten married, I've discovered that, even though my list of friends is extremely short, I still manage to have something to do ALL of the time. Weddings, babies coming along, dinners, etc, etc. I've been putting off updating this blog because lately I've been feeling somewhat overwhelmed and take full advantage of the time that I have to just sit on the couch and stare at the TV. But, I have been keeping my notebook updated daily with all of my progress (and lack thereof) during this weight-loss progress.

Speaking of that, I'm slacking off BIG TIME! Last week, on the 28th of July, we had another weigh-in at work. I lost 1.1lbs! I was pumped for the rest of the day. And then after that, I started to lose focus and motivation, and found myself back in my old habits. Josh and I have stopped walking (partly due to the insane heat that is hovering here in Arkansas lately) and our eating is getting back to how it used to be. We haven't bought any sodas for the house, but while out and about, we've bought ourselves a bottle of that liquid poison.
I've been lazy--refusing to do any sort of movement once I get home from work. Shame on me, I know. And yesterday morning, I discovered that my bad habits are doing me no good. I gained back the pound that I lost.

Well, it's time I get back in it and push myself to do more than I have. I've been at this for a month now, and something's got to show for it! If I want to meet my goal at the end of the 3 months, then I actually have to get off of my butt and work for it. The pounds and inches aren't going to fall off with each push of the TV remote button, no sir! So, I need to start eating better, drinking more water, and exercising as often as I can! And I need to keep up this blog better than I have been, because I've received some support from it, and there is no sense in letting that go.

So here's to a fresh start (again) and better results!

Have a happy, healthy day :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Great first weekend!

I'm back at work today, and I'm feeling pretty darn good! I had a great weekend. My eating habits still weren't the greatest, but overall, I feel pretty good about everything.

Saturday morning, Josh and I woke up at about 7:20, got dressed, and hit the road for a 10-minute walk. I'm following that plan that I found, and I felt like I got a pretty decent work out from it, considering I hardly walk much these days. We came back home, got ready for the day, and picked up our almost-3-year-old nephew Jacob. This is the first time we've ever taken him with us anywhere, just the two of us. We took him to Little Rock to IHOP for breakfast (yeah, first bad move eating wise) and then rushed to The Rave to see Despicable Me. LOVED it! Jacob loved it, too, which was what mattered the most. After the movie, I ran a few errands at Target, and Jacob insisted that he go to Barnes and Noble to play on the Thomas the Train play set. The kid is absolutely obsessed with Thomas! So that was about thirty minutes or so that I was able to sit down and catch my breath after running around with him so much. After all of that, we came back to Lonoke, grabbed McDonald's for lunch (strike two) and took him back to his E's house.

Josh and I went home, relaxed for a while, then went to his sister's house while they were gone, and took a swim in the pool. I of course can't swim, but I still moved around quite a bit and felt a little worn out but relaxed after an hour and a half. For dinner, we grabbed KFC (strike three) because cooking sounded like the biggest, hardest task in the world!

Sunday, we woke up at about 7:20 again and hit the road for another walk. We came home and for the rest of the day, caught up on rest from the day before. We were definitely more exhausted than we thought. For breakfast, I had a bowl of Quaker Cinnamon Roll Oatmeal, for lunch I had a Smoked Turkey Club panini, and for dinner, since I wasn't very hungry, I had some reduced fat Triscuits with honey. I wasn't hungry because (shame on me) Josh and I snacked quite a bit on Rice Krispies treats.

So my eating habits definitely weren't the greatest, but I'm getting used to waking up early and taking a walk. It makes me feel pretty dang good for the rest of the day, too. So, all in all, I feel pretty good about all of this weight-loss stuff. And I couldn't be happier about having such a supportive husband during all of it.

This morning, we woke up at 6:10, went for our walk, got ready for the day, and came to work. It's the first time in several months I've gotten to work well before 8:00. So, I'm in a dang good mood today. And I had a yogurt and water for breakfast, and I have goldfish crackers to snack on.

Our next work meeting for our weight-loss program will be tomorrow, and our next weigh-in will be Wednesday morning! I'm so excited about it!

I hope everyone has a great day :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A step back and a step forward.

So today has been a little rough for me. I hate the taste of our local water here and, since I'm usually in a rush to head to work in the mornings, I grab something cold from the refrigerator to drink until my lunch break. In the past, this has been Pepsi. It's my poison, I tell ya. Well, since I've been trying to get in shape, I've brought bottled water. Well, well, wouldn't you know--I'm out of bottled water! So, regretfully and shamefully, I grabbed a Pepsi and headed out the door. So, I took a step back on this thing. But hey, it happens, right? It's all give and take, but we just have to learn from our mistakes and move forward.

Okay, I am a HUGE fan of Better Homes and Gardens lately. I look at their website all of the time, and I think I'm becoming pretty crafty thanks to their creative articles. Well, today I ran across an article in a section that I've always overlooked--health & fitness. This article was about an easy 12-week walking program that allows you to ease into it and you eventually become comfortable with it. I think I'm going to give it a try. You can find the article here.

Basically, it breaks it down into weeks:

Weeks 1 & 2: Savor the outdoors and become a natural walker. It also says that you should be at a comfort level of about 5--you should be able to talk while walking, with a little breathlessness. (This happens to me in Walmart when I'm in a rush, so I think I've got that part down!) In the first week, walk in 10 minute increments for three or four times a week. In the second, bump it up to twelve minutes.

Weeks 3 & 4: Up your walking time to 20-30 minutes per outing, and pick up the pace a bit. Focus on standing up straight, and use your arms to increase your pulse rate and the intensity. And, try to add one day of walking per week by the end of the month.

Weeks 5 & 6: Keep it interesting: change your routes and music (if you listen to it), and increase and decrease your speed at intervals. Keep a steady pace for 5 minutes, increase your speed for 90 seconds, and then recover for the next 90 seconds at a leisurely pace. Repeat this cycle four times, and end with 5 minutes of a steady pace.

Weeks 7 & 8: Keep up the pace, but remember to reward and treat yourself!

Weeks 9-12: Keep up the hard work. By this point, the article says that you will most likely be accustomed to walking and will crave your outdoor adventures. Continue to set new goals for yourself, change up the routine, and bring a friend or pet along.

I'm definitely going to try this walking program, and maybe in time, I will be able to add jogging and then, ultimately, running into the mix. For now, I'm starting with the small goal of putting away those dang Pepsis and taking a ten minute walk before heading to bed!

Have a happy and healthy day :)


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And so it begins.

Yesterday, all of the ladies at work came up with the idea to start our own weight-loss program. We're all at a point that we want to change our eating habits, etc. So we had our first meeting yesterday afternoon.

For one year, we are going to work together to acheive a better, healthier lifestyle. For the entire year, we are breaking it down into three-month increments. We each set a goal of how much we'd like to lose in those three months. Every week, we'll meet and talk about the progress we're making. How much have we lost so far? What are some good recipes that seem to work well? What are we having trouble with, and how can we help? Each payday (every two weeks) we'll contribute $2 to our program, and at the end of the three months, one of us lucky ladies will get it!

So I set my goal at 5 pounds. Surely, if I stick to a good work-out routine and watch what I eat, I can lose a measly 5 pounds in three months, right?! I sure hope so!

Today was the first weigh-in, and here are my stats:
Weight: 195.7lbs
Height: 5'2 1/2"
BMI: 35 = obese (yikes!)

Goal: Weigh 190.7 (or less!) by October 15.

Obtaining the goal:
For now, I think I'm going to stick to using the Wii Fit Plus and watching what I eat. I'm going to cut back on the sodas and drink water instead. I'm going to try to stay active, and hopefully the pounds will melt away!

If you have any tips or advice for me, feel free to leave a comment!

Have a great day!


Before we get into the nitty gritty, how about a nice little intro?

My name is Katie and I'm 22. If you took the time to read my very brief profile on the right, then you already know that (and you're pretty awesome!). Basically, I've started this blog as a part of my diet journey. For most of my life--as long as I can remember, anyway--I've been the chubby girl. I can remember a specific time in the fifth grade, I got into a fight with a friend and she shouted at me that I always look pregnant. Yeah...not cool. But I've always been overweight, and every once in awhile, I get into these moods where I want to change it. I want to start exercising and eating right, blah blah blah. But after some time passes, I become a little more lazy and eat things I've sworn off, and then before I know it, I'm back in the old habit of unhealthy living.

But for about a week now, I've been back at it. I'm taking it slow and not overdoing anything, so that I can really get into the groove of things. And here's a bonus: some ladies from work are trying to achieve the same goals, so together, we've started our own little weight-loss program. There will be weekly meetings, a money incentive for everyone involved, and just a general support from other people going through the same thing.

I'm really looking forward to taking the steps to a better, healthier me, and I'm hoping that my blog can keep me motivated, and maybe even help others who read it!

Have a fantastic day :)