Thursday, August 5, 2010

Getting Back In It

So, it's been a couple of weeks now (a little bit longer, I guess) since I updated last. That's because I've been both lazy and busy all at the same time. I know, that makes absolutely no sense, but just let me explain.

Since I've gotten married, I've discovered that, even though my list of friends is extremely short, I still manage to have something to do ALL of the time. Weddings, babies coming along, dinners, etc, etc. I've been putting off updating this blog because lately I've been feeling somewhat overwhelmed and take full advantage of the time that I have to just sit on the couch and stare at the TV. But, I have been keeping my notebook updated daily with all of my progress (and lack thereof) during this weight-loss progress.

Speaking of that, I'm slacking off BIG TIME! Last week, on the 28th of July, we had another weigh-in at work. I lost 1.1lbs! I was pumped for the rest of the day. And then after that, I started to lose focus and motivation, and found myself back in my old habits. Josh and I have stopped walking (partly due to the insane heat that is hovering here in Arkansas lately) and our eating is getting back to how it used to be. We haven't bought any sodas for the house, but while out and about, we've bought ourselves a bottle of that liquid poison.
I've been lazy--refusing to do any sort of movement once I get home from work. Shame on me, I know. And yesterday morning, I discovered that my bad habits are doing me no good. I gained back the pound that I lost.

Well, it's time I get back in it and push myself to do more than I have. I've been at this for a month now, and something's got to show for it! If I want to meet my goal at the end of the 3 months, then I actually have to get off of my butt and work for it. The pounds and inches aren't going to fall off with each push of the TV remote button, no sir! So, I need to start eating better, drinking more water, and exercising as often as I can! And I need to keep up this blog better than I have been, because I've received some support from it, and there is no sense in letting that go.

So here's to a fresh start (again) and better results!

Have a happy, healthy day :)

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