Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And so it begins.

Yesterday, all of the ladies at work came up with the idea to start our own weight-loss program. We're all at a point that we want to change our eating habits, etc. So we had our first meeting yesterday afternoon.

For one year, we are going to work together to acheive a better, healthier lifestyle. For the entire year, we are breaking it down into three-month increments. We each set a goal of how much we'd like to lose in those three months. Every week, we'll meet and talk about the progress we're making. How much have we lost so far? What are some good recipes that seem to work well? What are we having trouble with, and how can we help? Each payday (every two weeks) we'll contribute $2 to our program, and at the end of the three months, one of us lucky ladies will get it!

So I set my goal at 5 pounds. Surely, if I stick to a good work-out routine and watch what I eat, I can lose a measly 5 pounds in three months, right?! I sure hope so!

Today was the first weigh-in, and here are my stats:
Weight: 195.7lbs
Height: 5'2 1/2"
BMI: 35 = obese (yikes!)

Goal: Weigh 190.7 (or less!) by October 15.

Obtaining the goal:
For now, I think I'm going to stick to using the Wii Fit Plus and watching what I eat. I'm going to cut back on the sodas and drink water instead. I'm going to try to stay active, and hopefully the pounds will melt away!

If you have any tips or advice for me, feel free to leave a comment!

Have a great day!


  1. when you eat Mexican, stay away from the damn tortilla chips and dip.
    just eat your dinner.
    you'll be much better off.

    no sodas is a great.
    fruit juices and teas are a great alternative especially for just easing it into your lifestyle.

    and any cardio will help you slim up.
    just ask mrs. shin/melnick lol

  2. Seth! I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever!

    It's the tortilla chips and white queso that make it Mexican! Haha!

    I usually do pretty good with drinking water, especially when I'm on the Wii Fit and feel like I'm about to die.

    But I'm really going to try to stick with it this time around. Thanks for commenting :)

  3. Hi Katie,

    Great start to your blog! I've got one, too, and I hope you'll check it out. I've been blogging about my weight loss since November. So far, I've lost 26 pounds. I'm using Silhouette Solution products, and it's been the easiest weight loss I've ever experienced. (At age 62, that's really saying something!)

    I love the idea of getting a group together at work and putting $2 into a kitty for extra incentive. Maybe I'll bring up the idea at work.

    Anyway, just wanted to wish you good luck. We obese short people need to stick together.

    Here's a link to my blog:


  4. Hi Phyllis!
    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog. I am really excited about this challenge, and I'm happy to know that there are others out there sharing their weight-loss experience in the same way that I am.

    I wish you luck! (And thanks for following me on Twitter, as well!)
